
Motherhood is ALWAYS a blessing!

There is no right way or wrong way to motherhood, no correct path that has to be followed.

Perhaps your blessing arrived earlier than you planned, perhaps it was planned for a long time or perhaps you are asking yourself, “How did this happen? I’m not ready?” Regardless of the circumstances, motherhood is amazing and a blessing. No-one is truly ready for the life-altering event that is motherhood. You will be completely engulfed in the love of your child and the amount of a love that you can hold. Its mind-blowing.


Your child is a blessing and your new-found title, will teach you things about yourself you never knew existed. It will test you, consume you and mould you into a magnificent powerhouse of love and affection. A mother has the ability to keep going when others would fall down. We operate on love not sleep. We thrive off cuddle’s.

However, the reality is, a new mother feels completely alone, your heart has exploded with unconditional love and you don’t know how to place it. You have just realized that you never understood love until the point, that you held your baby or heard his cry for the first time.

That is the moment that your love is identified and you completely understand the meaning of all things great in this world.

But with all of this, you immediately feel alone, you hold your baby and your emotions are on a high. For the lucky few, we have a husband, partner, mother, sister or friend with us every step of the way. There was always someone to join you for the scan or you had someone hold you hand during labor. Even with all this love and support, you felt alone.


I still remember that day I saw those 2 blue lines on the pee stick. I was standing in my Aunts bathroom and I was in complete shock. I was 4 days late on my period and a complete emotional state. My aunt bought the pregnancy tests and invited us for supper. Those blue lines showed up so quickly. I looked at Chris and Chris looked at me. We were in NO WAY PREPARED FOR THIS NEWS. We were happy but utterly scared out of our minds. A millions questions and feelings. We weren’t married, no medical aid, no car and I was only 21. However, our boy is the best thing that ever happened to me.  

I had a good pregnancy, I carried well and had no issues (except constant heartburn!). I had everything planned; natural birth and it would be so empowering (after all I have child-bearing hips), Well my plans went up in smoke and I found myself pushed into a c-section out of fear and I blame it on the fact that I was emotionally unstable to make a clear decision (40+ weeks pregnant can do that to a person). Had I only known then what I know now.


As much as that experience weighs heavily on my heart (You can read little more about it here and here), and I so wish to do things differently the next time around; But how can I complain, I had a healthy 4.15kg little boy who melted my heart and turned my world around. For that I must be thankful and I am. It is and always will be one of the best days of my life. I heard you, I saw you and I instantly loved you. 

I might have felt alone in those earlier days, but I certainly wasn’t, we were surrounded by love, affection and support. Everyone rejoiced in this new little life and smiles could not be contained.


So, my heart aches for the wonderful woman in this world that go through is bewildering experience completely alone. You have just brought a human into this world, and you have to be so brave while being completely scared out of your mind. Can you imagine it?

Can you imagine not having anyone to call at 1am, because baby hasn’t stopped crying since 9pm and you have given boob or bottle, his diaper is clean and you just don’t know what to do.

Can you imagine lying on the theatre table, before undergoing major abdominal surgery to get your baby out safety ,alone, no familiar face to give you a comforting smile

Can you imagine not having a hand to squeeze or a face to scream at while trying to give natural birth.

Honestly, I don’t want to imagine it but it is a reality for some woman. I feel blessed to have such wonderful people in my life that support and uplift me.

But those lonely and isolated woman also need a hug, a reassuring smile and a promise that everything will work out.


There is a way that we can help new mom’s and that’s by getting involved in #MothersDayConnect2017 with the organisation Cape Town Embrace, founded by Julie Mentor. Watch this video for more on this wonderful cause


LIKE and SIGN UP on the Facebook event page to find a hospital in your area or join an existing team. All details can be found on the Facebook page. Durban, Joburg or Capetown, we are meeting everywhere to spread love and support to new moms.

I would love to join with more Durban mom’s, to spread the love this mothers day. The team I have joined is busy arranging and organizing for Addington Hospital. There are a few other hospitals in the works as well. Get connected on social media and a hospital near you.

Will you join us in making these woman feel empowered and loved and supported?

It’s just 1 hour of your special day, to let someone else know, that they too, are SPECIAL

Once I have more information about the team, times etc. I will share this to my Facebook page Disney Mom Blog

We, as mothers, can make a difference. We can pass on the torch of encouragement to women who are feeling completely discouraged.

Mama, you are not alone

Mama, you are strong and powerful and full of love



Mothers United and Standing Together!




8 thoughts on “Motherhood is ALWAYS a blessing!

  1. I can’t imagine not having any support throughout the most important and emotional time in my life.
    Thanks for the reminder that we need to support the mothers out there that may not be as fortunate as us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Even on the days where we want to pull our hair out, we get that glimspe of cuteness and our hearts are melted. I love every part of being a mom… The good the bad and the poopie 😂😂

      Liked by 1 person

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