
Journey to Motherhood: Featuring Izelle Joubert

Every mom has a number in their head of how many children they want, we sometimes take for granted that we can grow our family as soon as we are ready. Often it’s not that easy though.

We experience hurdles, or losses that put our plans on hold for a while. Next up on the blog is Izelle, who shares her journey to motherhood and opens up about her miscarriages as she tries to grow her family.

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Please introduce yourself and tell us how many kids you have?

Hi, I am Izelle and I am a mother of a silly and adventurous three-year-old daughter Zoë. I am married to my best friend, Donavan, who stole my heart when I was just 20 years old. I am a dreamer, optimist and love being with people I care for. We have been trying for a little brother or sister for almost two years now, during which I have gone through two miscarriages.

What do you do for a living? Whether Work outside the home, SAHM or WAHM?

I am a registered Psychometrist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. I used to work in a corporate environment which I enjoyed, but my heart changed when I became a mom in 2014, slowly but surely, I did not find my work and career ambition to be as satisfying as I used to, and I wanted to spend more quality time with and have more energy for my family. In 2016 I took a giant leap and started to work for a smaller company for 3 days a week, which afforded me the time to spend quality time with my family and focus on my love for writing.


Did you dream of being a mother when you were a little girl?

I always knew I wanted to be a mother and dreamed of having a little girl since I can remember. Being a wife and mother is the most important role I could have imagined for myself and I absolutely love being a mother (difficulties and challenges included), if we could we would want four children.

Motherhood is magical, how did your journey begin?

My husband and I waited 5 years before we started to plan to expand our family. We wanted to ensure that we could provide a stable foundation for our future family`and also wanted to enjoy our season of it being just us. We were very lucky and within 2 months of trying for a baby I found out I was pregnant in December 2013.

Did you experience any difficulties on your journey to Motherhood?

The first round was an easy one for me, I am blessed and lucky to have had a smooth pregnancy and I was very pedantic about what I put in my body while I was pregnant but enjoyed having life growing inside of me. However, since 2016 we have been trying to expand our family, but we have had problems with fertility and unfortunately, I suffered two miscarriages since then. It has been a very challenging time trying to conceive for the second time, and the challenges (emotionally and physically) have been quite exhausting.

Please share how you got through these times? (If applicable)

I am a Christian; prayer, community and my faith got me through tough times where I wanted to give up or just spend the entire week in the bed. My husband has been so supportive, and we are very fortunate to have a support system that carries us when we are feeling weak.


Explain the first moment you saw, held, or heard your child? What changed inside of you?

 My birth story was a traumatic one for me, due to some complications after my waters broke early one morning before my due date, I had to undergo a C-section and while I was prepared for having a C-section even though I wanted to have a natural birth process, the spinal did not want to work, and I had to undergo anaesthesia. I remember being woken up by the nurse who said, “It’s a girl” (we chose not to know the gender beforehand) I was in so much pain and felt so groggy and confused. I only got to hold my daughter for the first time when she was already dressed, and I was in my bed. However, the moment I held her in my arms my heart grew bigger and an indescribable love filled my soul.

What do you remember the most from those very early weeks, as a new mother?

I remember crying a lot during the first two weeks, I struggled to breastfeed as my milk did not come in even after medication. I felt like a bad mom, a failure and a cow who sat for hours with a breast pump and only managed to get 10ml of milk for my hungry and crying baby. I remember feeling so inadequate, but every time she fell asleep in my arms, or held my finger, peace and calmness came over me.

What is your favorite part of being a mom?

I consider it such a privilege to be able to raise the next generation, a generation that can change the world for the better. I love giggles and laughs and being silly. The unconditional love and acceptance even though there are days where Daddy is everything and Mommy not and most of all seeing a piece of my heart walking outside of my body. I sometimes just sit next to her bed and look at her beautiful face, perfect hands and little feet and feel so blessed to have the privilege to raise this beautiful little girl (even though we might have had a tantrum or two an hour earlier – all of that is surpassed by her loving presence and love)

Do you have a pet name for your child?

Gogga, gogga-pensie, liefie, peanut (that is what we called her during my pregnancy while we did not know the gender)

Since becoming a mother, has your view of your own parents changed?

I now understand why they worried so much and I realized how I hurt them with things I said and did when I was a teenager. I appreciate them so much more as well as what they did and sacrificed for me.


What is your advice to new moms starting out their journey of motherhood?

You’ve got this! Trust your mother instinct and don’t be afraid to ask for help.


Thank you Izelle for sharing so openly with us, I pray that you receive what your heart desires. Strength to you and your family, as you continue your journey.

Photos by Picture Patch Photography

You can follow Izelle and her story on social media here >>>>




“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” 

– Jill Churchill



7 thoughts on “Journey to Motherhood: Featuring Izelle Joubert

  1. This is such a beautiful interview, thank you for sharing. We don’t often realise people’s challenges and take for granted how blessed we are you are a testimony in your faith Izelle and I pray God gives you your heart’s desires! Xx

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