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Bloggers Block

For the last 2 weeks i have hit such a screeching halt on my blog, life has somehow taken over and its dragging me by the ankle across a dirt road.

Writing has been such a wonderful outlet to share my experiences, frustrations and all round comically adventures of raising a stubborn but lovable toddler.

Writing has been healing in many ways, but with my life just so misty at the moment, its seems like my writing doesn’t know which direction to go. I can barely see 2 steps ahead of me.

Writing has become a hobby of mine, but hobbies are generally last on the list… Full time (particularly single) mom, full time job, part time jobs, nurse, chef, maid and still a human being with needs of my own. When I have time to write, I have no flare and when I feel the flare coming on… I have no time to write. Somehow seems like an unfair cycle.


Its not like I don’t have things to write about, at this very moment I have 12 posts sitting in my draft folder. Some almost finished and some just bullet points. Its getting them finished where I’m stuck…

I will admit though, I’m slightly addicted to series… I can get quite sucked into a good story line. I find myself working at night once Connors bean is in bed and then still watching a episode or 2 after that. I know it doesn’t contribute to the Mombie (Mom-Zombie for the non-parent readers) that I am, but my brain also needs to unwind… as tired as I am, everyone needs some downtime to the end each day.


But all the plans are finally falling into place slowly and there are changes for the better on the horizon… the fog should settle soon.

So here’s hoping I can catch my breath and start finishing off my draft blogs…

*I would love to hear feedback on how you overcome writers/bloggers block?*

Thank you!


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