
This blog is going to be an expression of Myself, My Family and Our life – both past and present.

I’m just an average woman, who knows what it feels like to have her heart walk outside of her body (often running away from me, giggling!) Yes, that makes me a mother and my Son is by far my biggest blessing. I gave him life and he gave me a reason to live.


From the time I felt his first kick, to hearing his first cry – I knew the definition of True Love and how powerful Unconditional Love really is. There nothing i wouldn’t do for my son!

Unfortunately, Life is not all rainbows and unicorns. There have been tough times and i’m certain they aren’t over yet. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. But there have also been amazing times and when the chips fall down – I try my best to hold onto those moments. The bad often overwrites the good but i will not forget, I will forever treasure the happy memories.

Besides being centered around my family and life, my blogs might make reference to the following things and here’s why:

  1. Disney – well I’m not called Disney Mom for any other reason. I love all Disney movies and think Walt Disney is a genius. My son has picked up the same love for Disney and it’s something that we happily share.

“The way to get started is quit talking and begin doing” – Walt Disney.

  1. Music – for me, is a way of expressing your feelings without having to say a word.  Music allows me to escape into the words and help deal with the feelings that I don’t want to approach. Often it says so much of what I wish to say, but don’t. Good and Bad.

“When you are happy you enjoy the music. When you are sad you understand the lyrics”

I’m aiming for variety in my blog posts, but the above is just a few things that will definitely be featured.




Disney Mom

4 thoughts on “About

  1. You are a true inspiration Sade. After all your hardships you just keep going and having such a positive attitude. I salute you. xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am really enjoying your blog! I just started a blog (again) recently! My first blog was from 7 years ago, and things have really changed! I love finding fellow mom blogs! It makes me feel like I am not alone! Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

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